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To the Girl Who Was Made to Feel Like She Wasn't Good Enough

Shelby Herban

"The worst feeling in the world is knowing you did your best and it still wasn't good enough."

I know exactly what it feels like to give your all to someone and they leave you for someone else. Not only does it leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the person, it leaves you wondering "Why". Why wasn't I good enough for him? Why did he choose her over me? Why didn't he just talk to me instead of leaving me like he did? Just why?

Especially, if you did everything you could to make him happy. You cooked, you cleaned, you did all the errands, you stayed on top of your homework, you made sure the kids were taken care of, and on top of it all you made time for him! So why wasn't it enough?

Sis, I am here to tell you that you are more than enough, he just didn't deserve you. That's right. HE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU!

Let me tell you what you do deserve...

You deserve a man who will truly love you, who will respect you, a man who is faithful to you, and a man who wants to grow with you. You need a PARTNER, not someone you will have to be a maid for. At the end of the day, you need someone who will never let you fall asleep wondering if you still matter to them!

I know what he did hurt you and left you angry. You are angry that you trusted him and you are angry that he left you for a woman who wouldn't do half of what you done for him. I felt every bit of that hurt and anger that you are feeling. There are days when it all comes rushing back and I feel it all over again. It's all part of healing and yes, I know it sucks. It is constant war between your heart and your mind. In your mind you know you are SO much better off, but your heart longs for that intimate connection with someone. You see, you don't miss the person, you miss the routine. You miss having someone to come home to every day. Trust me when I say, it will get easier. Adjust your crown, Queen. You won. Yes, I said it. YOU WON.

His new girlfriend may be all smiles and rubbing it in your face that she stole him from you, but the real winner is YOU because she didn't win no prize. She thinks she has a winner, but what she really got was a disrespectful, immature, non-communicating boy. If a guy can open the door for other women he never loved you in the first place and he definitely didn't respect you. Remember that when he realizes he messed up and comes crawling back to you. Also remember, that he will leave her just he left you. So when he gives her a promise ring or an engagement ring a couple of months after he left you for her, just smile because she is his maid now. Either she will get tired of doing everything for him or he will leave her when someone else comes along.

Everyone had told me my ex was going to leave me for someone else and I wish I had listened to them, but I trusted him. I trusted him too much and it left me looking stupid.

I read something on Facebook yesterday and it really hit home to me. It said, "The reason why God allowed him to walk away is because you prayed for a good man, and he wasn't it." Read that again.

Some of you know that I was once married. My ex-husband and I were married for seven years and unfortunately that relationship turned very toxic. When I left that relationship, I promised myself I wouldn't put myself back in that situation. The sad part was, if you took out the drugs and the abuse, my ex-husband and my-ex boyfriend were the SAME person. Neither respected me, both were terrible at communication, they both are terrible with money, and I was basically their maid because I did everything for the both of them! Not only that, but they both had a habit of never following through with things they said that they/we were going to do. So basically they were both all talk and no action. What was even worse is that they were the same age and their birthdays were literally a few days apart! I know right? What the heck was I thinking?! Apparently, I wasn't.

That was the hardest pill for me to swallow. Not only was I angry for my ex leaving me for someone else, I was angry at myself for going back to almost the same situation I had just got out of.

Sis, don't be like me. Learn your lesson the first time around. Your heart will thank you in the end.

I will end with this: Ladies, the best revenge is to move on and be happy! Trust me, it kills them knowing you are happy and successful without them. Let karma do the dirty work for you. It may take a while, but it will come back to bite them in the end. I promise you.

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